Thursday, August 16, 2012

Do and don't and about

This is a place for everything Pet society related. contests, trading, friends & fun

RESPECT- Admin or NON- admin please respect each other since we are part of one group DO NOT USE ANY BAD WORD IN CALLING .. Please be peaceful

SCAMMER - Everyone, if you got scammed by a scammer, please tell our admins immediately.
And we will let every know and will not trade with the scammer.

TRADING/ SELLING - If you want to trade something please put WTT ( Want to trade ) and if you want to sell something, please put WTS ( Want to sell ).

WISHLIST - Feel free to post your wishlist here. We will help you if we can.. We can't, but will try our best. Please don't say a cheap price and please do not OVERPRICE. That is not fair to others.

MANNERS - When someone giving some free gifts, please say please and then say thank you. Cause some of the thing is rare or something like weekly treasure. And it is totally free. and if you didnt received any Please show sportmanship. And please don't say bad words. It is super rude!

ADDING PEOPLE INTO GROUPS - Please becareful who you add. Please don't add scammer. Instead, add safe trader! Some people is just acting to be kind and actually, A SCAMMER!

OVER PRICING - Please don't over price. It is not fair to others. PLAY FAIR PLEASE!

BEGGING - Begging/asking item for free this is not good. You may be banned or kicked out of this group if you begged. It is very rude too. Please don't do that

COMPLAIN - If you have an complain, please tell any of our admins here.

NO DELETING OF COMMENTS,TRADE,THREAD - Please don't delete comment, trade or postes. You may be banned or kicked out. ONLY THE ADMINS CAN DELETE A POST BUT IT IS ON THE CONDITION OF 1 MONTH EXPIRY OF THE POST..

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